When I looked a the stereotypes, I found that there were no girls in the story mode; they didn't fight on ether side of the war. Most of the people fighting on the "good side" are white or from African American decent but mostly white. The "bad side" is Russian and people from Brazil. The people from Brazil are dark skinned and the people from Russia have pale skin. I talked to people online that play Modern Warfare 2 and 3 in 50 were girls. This game aims at boys ages 13 to 25 years old. The main characters that I am reviewing are Captain Price, Soap, and Makarov. Captain Price and Soap are the "good guys" they both are from England, muscular and have a slight tan. Makarov is the "bad guy" he is from Russia, has pale skin and has a scowl on his face all the time.
This game has a lot of stereotypes and I wish that they would include more balance in gender. I also wish it didn't enforce the stereotypical gender roles as much, such as that girls are helpless and men should be tough and muscular. More racial diversity would also be nice, but I can see why the makers of the game make the races very definable. It does help to tell characters apart, but also enforces stereotypes.
modernwarfare2.infinityward. com/
This was a good beginning to your post--as a reader, I wanted to know more about what you found (what you counted) and what you think it means and what values you think it shows as well as how you think the messages it sends might affect people, especially those who are just playing the game and not thinking about what they are seeing.